Anonymization of objects - System CRM i oprogramowanie ERP Firmao
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Anonymization of objects

Important! This instruction is intended only for system administrators.

Deleting objects in the system causes them to be transferred to the archive, from which we can easily restore them later. In case of anonymization of objects, the data stays irretrievably deleted. In the Firmao system, we have the option of anonymizing data in the following modules:

How to anonymize an object?

To anonymize a company, contact, user, or note we need to go to object details.

The following example will describe anonymizing a Company.

In the main menu, we need to select the module “Companies” and then, from the list view, click on the name of the company we are interested in.

From the company detail view, we have to press the three dots button located in the upper right corner and select: “Anonymize”.

Important! Anonymization of an object is irreversible. We are unable to restore such an object.

After pressing the button, a message will be displayed whether we want to permanently delete data related to a given company. By checking the checkboxes we can choose whether we want to remove related: contactstasksnotes, and deals.

If we select: “Yes”– a message will be displayed warning about the permanent removal of the object in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council — “[…] selected object will be permanently deleted from the system. Are you sure you want to delete the object permanently?”. In order to anonymize the object, after reading the content of the message, we must press the button “Yes”.

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