Leads visiting the site - System CRM i oprogramowanie ERP Firmao

Leads visiting the site

Important! Only administrator of the entire system can configure leads visiting the site.

Leads visiting the site in the Firmao CRM system are potential customers who expressed interest by visiting our website. They are a valuable source of information that we can use to track the effectiveness of our marketing and sales activities. 

Configuration of leads visiting the site

To enable “Leads visiting the site”, we need to click on the avatar located in the upper right corner of the screen and then “Company Settings”.

In the newly opened view, click on the “Integrations” on the left and then select “Leads visiting the site”.

Then we need to click the “Show script for installation” button. The generated script should be placed at the bottom of our website in the body section.

To enable leads visiting the site, we must check the “Turn on sync” box.

Then, we complete the fields such as: 

  • Default salespersons group
  • Default company status, 
  • Domain of monitored website (e.g. firmao.io),
  • Integration type (e.g. Google Analytics 4).

Then we need to click on the “Force leads download” button, which will allow us to update the view of new leads in the Companies module.

In this view, we can also check:

  1. Purchased limit of leads per month,
  2. Counter of analyzed page hits this month,
  3. Count of leads created this month.

How to buy additional leads visiting the site?

To buy additional leads visiting the site, we need to click on the avatar and then select the “Licenses and payments” tab.

Następnie klikamy zielony przycisk „Wykup licencję dla nowych użytkowników lub zmień rodzaj licencji„:

Then we need to click the green „Change user limits in current licence” button:

A window will open with the option to purchase additional options for our account, including: “Additional leads visiting the site”.

From this level, we determine how many leads we want to buy. Leads can be purchased in packages of 100.

Then, to make the payment, we need to click the green “Next” button, and then “I accept the shopping rules” and we can make the payment.

More information about payment can be found here.

Where will automatically created leads appear in the system?

To view automatically created leads that visited our website, we need to go to “Companies” module from the main menu and then select “Leads” from the list.

In the newly opened window, after completing the steps above, a list of potential customers will be displayed.

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