Tasks management and work time module allows for efficient assignment of tasks between employees, planning and supervision of projects realisation - i.e. it helps to run so called managing by tasks.
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- Zarządzanie projektami i zadaniami w firmao posiada następujące cechy:
- Multilevel task hierarchy - ability to split projects into tasks and subtasks
- Flexible tasks model - grouping tasks into projects
- Gantt charts
- Tasks predecessors and successors
- Automatic calculation of tasks realisation order
- Automatic calculation of realisation costs of tasks and projects
- Complex user access permissions management regarding projects
- Full integration with other system services and modules
- Defining statuses, priorities and required deadlines of tasks
- Automatic designation of task status based on subtasks statuses
- Assignment of tasks access permissions on company, project, tasks, subtask level
- Assignment of unlimited users to task
- Creating any custom data fields, specific for your company, related to tasks and projects
- Supervising tasks realisation statuses
- Task changelog, restoring deleted tasks
- Automatic notifications about changes
- Complex report system with advanced filtering