Generating an invoice and a warehouse document into one PDF file - System CRM i oprogramowanie ERP Firmao
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Generating an invoice and a warehouse document into one PDF file

In the Firmao CRM system, it is possible to generate an invoice with related warehouse documents in one PDF file. This is possible both from the invoice list and its details.

Important! To generate an invoice with a warehouse document, we must first assign the document to a given invoice. To do this, we need to select “Warehouse documents” from the tabs in the detailed view of invoices, and then click on the plus icon in the upper left corner of the tab.

How to generate an invoice and a warehouse document in one PDF file?

To generate an invoice together with a warehouse document from the invoice list, we need to select the checkbox next to the invoices from which we want to generate a PDF file, and then use the toolbar, which is located in the upper right corner. From there, we have to click on the arrow , which is located to the right of the PDF button, and then select “Invoice with warehouse document” from the list.

However, to generate an invoice together with a warehouse document from the invoice details view, we need to go to the view and then use the toolbar, which is located in the upper right corner. From there, we have to click on the arrow  , which is located to the right of the PDF button, and then select “Invoice with warehouse document” from the list.

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