Integrations - Firmao CRM


The integration synchronizes orders, invoices and products from Presta-shop to Firmao. Synchronization occurs every 10 minutes. Products are automatically associated based on the product SKU code with products on the Firmao warehouse management side. Depending on the configuration, an automatically sent invoice to Firmao may automatically create a warehouse document that will be associated with a specific sale. Each sent document contains the necessary data of the contractor making a purchase through the store in order to properly issue and send an invoice to the customer.
In order to properly configure the integration in Firmao, it is required to enter the following data:
  • Presta-Shop web service key
  • valid store api domain (e.g.
After saving the connection, the integration automatically starts downloading all documents created on the Presta-shop side to Firmao. Customers who made a purchase through the online store are also synchronized.

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